On to Cornwall

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For breakfast this morning we walked up the hill to the River Cottage Kitchen and Store. They open at 9 am and our breakfast here was included with our room. We had a little time to fill in before breakfast so we called my Mum and Dad for a video chat, we disturbed their dinner but they were glad to see us anyway .

It was chilly but bright so we sat on their terrace overlooking the valley to enjoy our breakfast. Erin and I had the local mushrooms on toast with egg and citrus hummus , so tasty!

We arranged for the landrover to collect us at ten am for the ride back up the hill to the car. Then we set tracks south for our first stop in the cute little seaside village of Beer. We really only stopped in because of Neil’s love of the amber fluid but Beer turned out to be a lovely little village, very popular as a summer beach holiday destination. Unfortunately it was a little to early for Neil to want a Beer in Beer, despite the sign on the pub!

the beach had an interesting mix of fishing boats, beach chairs for rent and beach huts. All in the very pebbly stuff that passes for a beach in much of the UK .

Back in the car we carried on to Dartmouth, a very popular and lovely town in South Devon. It’s on the River Dart close to the Channel and has a long history as a port town. There are many really gorgeous Tudor buildings scattered through the town and we enjoyed walking throughout before having lunch on the esplanade beside the river.

After lunch we had a fairly long drove further southwest towards Falmouth. There were more nail biting drives along narrow roads between hedgerows before we finally drew close to Falmouth. The traffic close to town was pretty dreadful and it was after 5 before we finally dropped Erin at her hotel and then negotiated the narrow lanes of the town centre to our hotel. The Greenbank hotel is a great location right on the water in Falmouth with a lovely view across the multitude of boats in the harbour. Erin walked down from her hotel, about 20 minutes walk away to have dinner with us in the pub. She enjoyed the walk along the quaint shopping street that runs parallel to the shore. After dinner we walked her back to her hotel before heading back to ours and bed.

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